Download Movie X-Men Apocalypse (2016) Subtitle Indonesia.
ID Synopsis: Sebenarnya film X-Men: Apocalypse ini belum memiliki sinopsis yang pasti dan sampai saat ini film ini belum terungkap cerita maupun alurnya. Namun sedikit dari rumor yang beredar bahwa Cerita dari Film X-Men: Apocalypse ini adalah kembalinya Cyclops, Storm, Jeans Grey ke masa mudanya. Mereka bertiga akan bergabung dengan semua rekan mereka seperti Charles, Magneto, Raven, Wolverine, serta Beast. Mereka akan kembali bersatu dan bergabung seperti dulunya. Mereka bersama-sama akan kembali menghadapi musuh baru mereka yang bertekad untuk menimbulkan kehancuran dan menghancurkan sejarah dari manusia.
X-Men: Apocalypse ini juga menceritakan tentang X-Men: Apocalypse berada 10 tahun setelah X-Men: Days of Future Past. Menurut sinopsis yang ada, ketika Apocalypse terbangun dari kuburannya di Mesir, ia melihat dunia kacau yang penuh dengan konflik, perang dan kehancuran.
Bryan Singer lalu berbagi konsepnya, "Ini merupakan salah satu peradaban raksasa yang sekarang memerlukan satu pemusnahan raksasa. Itu sebabnya ia membutuhkan asisten khusus dalam proses ini."
Apocalypse lalu merekrut Storm dari jalanan di Kairo, Angel dari klub tarung di Berlin, Psylocke yang bekerja untuk makelar mutan bernama Caliban, dan Magneto yang mencoba untuk hidup 'normal' di Polandia.Dia jatuh cinta dan dia pada dasarnya meninggalkan jalan metal di belakangnya, ujar Fassbender mengenai Erik alias Magneto yang dimainkannya. Sayangnya, hal itu tidak berlangsung lama karena Apocalypse menemukan Erik pada saat paling rendah dan merekrutnya.
Di sisi lain, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) tengah membantu penyelamatan mutan yang tertindas atau diperbudak, termasuk teleporter bernama Nightcrawler. "Ia mendengar tentang apa yang terjadi pada Erik dan ingin mencarinya dan membantunya," kata Lawrence.Sementara itu, Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) mengajari para mutan untuk bisa mengendalikan kemampuan mereka sehingga mereka dapat bekerja di bank.
Review Film X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Film X-Men Apocalypse merupakan sebuah sekuel dari film sebelumnya yaitu X-Men: Day Future Past yang sempat dirilis pada tahun 2014 yang lalu dan film yang digarap oleh Studio Marvel ini sukses mendapatkan jutaan penggemar. dalam film ini Bryan Singer masih memegang jabatan menjadi seorang sutradara yang mengatur jalannya cerita. Singer sendiri juga akan menjadi penulis naskah dalam film Marvel kali ini dan dia juga ditemani oleh Simon Kinberd dalam menulis naskah.
EN Synopsis/Story: En Sabah Nur, a powerful mutant believed to be the first of his kind, rules ancient Egypt until he is betrayed by his worshippers, who entomb him alive. His four lieutenants die preserving him. Awakening in 1983, he believes humanity has lost its way without his presence. Aiming to destroy the world and remake it, he recruits Cairo pickpocket Ororo Munroe, who can control weather, and upgrades her power.
In East Berlin, shape-shifting mutant Raven investigates an underground fight club and discovers mutant champion Angel, who possesses a pair of large feathered wings on his back, and Kurt Wagner, who can teleport. Raven rescues Kurt and employs the services of black marketeer Caliban to transport him to America. En Sabah Nur recruits Caliban's enforcer, Psylocke, who leads him to Angel. En Sabah Nur enhances both their powers, transforming Angel's wings into metal wings.
Alex Summers discovers that his younger brother, Scott, is manifesting his mutation for shooting optic beams. Alex takes Scott to Professor Charles Xavier's educational institute in Westchester County, New York in hopes that Xavier and Hank McCoy will teach him how to control his abilities. Scott meets the telepathic and telekinetic Jean Grey, and the two develop an attraction. Raven brings Kurt to the institute. Apocalypse's powers cause disturbances around the world, leading Xavier and Alex to consult with CIA agent Moira MacTaggert, who has been researching the legend of Nur.
In Poland, the metal-controlling mutant Erik Lehnsherr lives with his wife and their young daughter, Nina. He uses his powers to save a coworker, prompting militia to come capture him. When they accidentally kill Erik's family, he retaliates by murdering them. En Sabah Nur later approaches the disheartened Erik and takes him to Auschwitz, where Erik's power first manifested. Erik destroys the camp and joins him.
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En Sabah Nur enters Xavier's mind while Xavier is using the mutant-locating computer Cerebro and, co-opting Xavier's powers, forces all global superpowers to launch Earth's entire nuclear arsenal into space to prevent interference. He and his new lieutenants arrive at the mansion and kidnap Xavier. Attempting to stop them, Alex accidentally causes an explosion that destroys the mansion. Peter Maximoff — having learned that he is Erik's son, and hoping that Xavier can help to find him — arrives in time to use his super-speed to evacuate the students just before the explosion destroys the building, but Alex is presumed dead. Colonel William Stryker's forces subsequently capture Hank, Raven, Peter, and Moira, and take them to a military facility for interrogation. Scott, Jean and Kurt covertly follow and liberate their comrades using Stryker's mind-controlled and brainwashed experiment, Weapon X, whose memories Jean partially restores.
At En Sabah Nur's behest, Erik uses his powers to control Earth's magnetic poles, causing widespread destruction across the planet and mass casualties. En Sabah Nur plans to transfer his consciousness into Xavier's body and use Xavier's power to enslave the minds of every person on earth. Xavier secretly sends a telepathic distress call to Jean, and the others travel to Cairo to battle Apocalypse and his horsemen. They rescue Xavier, but he loses his hair as the process nears completion. Angel is defeated and incapacitated in the battle. Erik and Ororo are convinced to turn on En Sabah Nur and, with Scott's help, they keep him occupied physically while Xavier fights him telepathically in the astral plane. Finally, Xavier encourages Jean to unleash the full extent of her powers, incinerating En Sabah Nur. In the ensuing chaos, Psylocke flees.
Xavier restores Moira's memories, and the two rekindle their relationship. Erik and Jean help reconstruct the school, but Erik refuses Xavier's offer to stay and help teach. Peter decides not to tell Erik that he is Erik's son yet. As the new X-Men, Hank and Raven train new recruits Scott, Jean, Ororo, Kurt, and Peter.
In a post-credits scene, men in suits visit the Weapon X facility to retrieve data on Stryker's mutant research, including an X-ray and a blood sample marked "Weapon X", on behalf of the Essex Corporation.
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